For the past five years or so I've noticed that my writing tends to taper off once November rolls around. I was determined not to let this happen this year. At least not to the degree that it usually does.
It appears that I have not picked up my "regular broadcast" of the remaining 44 days of Pen on Fire, but, I am happy to declare that I have been writing and editing consistently still and am pretty pleased with the results.
As I was entering my penned edits from my hard copy into the digital file I was frustrated with the slowly increasing word count. Grrrrr. My manuscript is already longer than most agents are going to want to see for a first time author, and first book in a series. So, I decided to set myself a reasonable goal in order to downsize. Cut five words per page. Five words. That's so achievable. And that's almost 2,000 words less.
Snip, snip.
:) Make every word count.