Get glimpses of the writing life of Christa Brassington, including novel excerpts, writing advice, sobering rejections and (hopefully) joyful acceptance, alongside basic writerly observations. All here on Writer Wise.

The Joy of Polishing at Year's End

For the past five years or so I've noticed that my writing tends to taper off once November rolls around. I was determined not to let this happen this year. At least not to the degree that it usually does.
It appears that I have not picked up my "regular broadcast" of the remaining 44 days of Pen on Fire, but, I am happy to declare that I have been writing and editing consistently still and am pretty pleased with the results.

As I was entering my penned edits from my hard copy into the digital file I was frustrated with the slowly increasing word count. Grrrrr. My manuscript is already longer than most agents are going to want to see for a first time author, and first book in a series. So, I decided to set myself a reasonable goal in order to downsize. Cut five words per page. Five words. That's so achievable. And that's almost 2,000 words less.

Snip, snip.

And wWhen I am finished, I can do it again.

:) Make every word count.