Get glimpses of the writing life of Christa Brassington, including novel excerpts, writing advice, sobering rejections and (hopefully) joyful acceptance, alongside basic writerly observations. All here on Writer Wise.

SDCWG Fall Conference

On September 25th and 26th I had the pleasure of attending my second San Diego Christian Writer's Guild Fall Conference. At the Friday night Round Table I witnessed the Awards Ceremony for 2009's best fiction, non-fiction, poetry, etc. of the Guild members.

Congratulations to~

Susan Meissner, for The Shape of Mercy (fiction), and

Bob Hamer, for The Last Undercover (Non-fiction)

[Both books are on my To-Be-Read bookshelf]

I also received good information on the Christian book market from the panel of speakers.

I woke early on Saturday morning and rechecked my book proposal then took time to pray with my husband, T.Michael, before I set out. Sign-ups for the faculty consultations started at 7:45 and my number was 34 out of who knows how many. I have a slight tendency to run late, so I usually have my car's clock set seven minutes fast. Call me crazy but it works (sometimes). Except that on my way I realized I'd reset it the day before because I was picking up my in-laws at the airport and I didn't want them to think I was late. Oops.

So, while I thought I had seven extra minutes before sign-ups began, I was actually officially running late. By the time I got there they were past the numbered order of signing up and it was a free-for-all. The agent and the editor that I was hoping to sit with were all filled up. Oh bother.

But alas, they were not a perfect fit anyway. The editor only dealt with non-fiction, and the agent didn't usually represent Young Adult fiction nor did she generally sign new authors. So, it was not a total loss. Instead, I sat with two authors: Jack Cavanaugh and Susan Meissner. I asked them questions and they looked over my proposal: a one-page write-up about me and my book. Why I'm qualified to write it, a brief summary of the book (think jacket blurb), and target audience. Also, my one-page synopsis that succinctly outlined the entire book, followed by two sample chapters.

Both authors were hugely encouraging and gave helpful feedback on my writing. I was encouraged to take the next step of finding an agent.

And so I will. And you'll get to follow me as I do so, through the highs and the lows, as I pray all the while for wisdom and discernment in the decisions to be made.


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