Get glimpses of the writing life of Christa Brassington, including novel excerpts, writing advice, sobering rejections and (hopefully) joyful acceptance, alongside basic writerly observations. All here on Writer Wise.

Let the Countdown Begin

(Thanks to Teresa McC. who gave me this idea! It is right up my lower-elementary-teacher alley.)

I present my countdown chain, starting with chapter one all the way through chapter forty-four. I've already finished revising the first six chapters, but I wanted to make a complete chain to start.

This chain serves two purposes: I am not allowed to remove a link unless I have confidently finished revising the chapter as specified on said link. Also, when I finish, I have to write the word count of that chapter on the link so that I can track how close I am to my projected word count.

YAY! So now let the unlinking begin.


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